
1 april, 2024




The Seed Habitat

Magical ceremonial breathwork in: Guatemala

*Svensk text längre ner

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey through the elements in one of the world’s most cherished destinations. Nina Medicina is thrilled to invite you to an extraordinary training and retreat that combines the power of breathwork, ceremonies, rituals, and plant magic, in the enchanting setting of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala—one of Nina’s favorite places in the world.

Highlights of this transformative journey

  • Breathwork Mastery:
    – Explore Level 1 and 2 of the Ceremonial Breathwork Curriculum: Art of healing, wellness and guiding
  • Daily Ceremonies with Inspiring Teachers:
    – Engage in daily ceremonies led by the organizer and revered mentors: Cacao and fire ceremony, plant rituals and Temazcal tradition
  • Exclusive Accommodations at the Seed Habitat:
    – Enjoy luxury accommodations with a plunge pool and panoramic volcano views
  • Culinary Delights:
    – Savor three daily gourmet meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients, nourishing for both body and soul
  • Movement, Dance, and Healing Practices:
    – Embrace the rhythm of daily movement, ecstatic dance, and trauma-healing breathwork sessions
  • Herbal Wisdom and Medicine Making:
    – Unlock the secrets of herbal healing through enlightening lectures – participate in hands-on medicine making classes
  • Day Trip to the Enchanting Cacao Forest:
    – Embark on a journey to the cherished cacao forest, a place resonating with the magic of the earth
  • Sound Healing and Sacred Song Circles:
    – Immerse yourself in sound healing, enchanting song circles, voice activations, and soul-stirring Kirtan sessions

Ceremonial Breathwork Training Level 1 and 2 – Breathe, Heal, Transform

This training is a gateway to mastering breathwork as a therapeutic practice. Whether you’re new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, this curriculum offers:

  • In-depth Understanding:
    – Delve into the science behind breathwork, gain insights into the nervous system, learn about energy centers (chakras) and techniques to balance them
  • Breathwork Techniques:
    – Explore the simplicity of the 3-part breath technique, learn calming patterns that enhance ceremonies, discover the potential of breathwork for healing, relaxation, and empowerment
  • Integrative Learning:
    – For healing practitioners, enhance offerings by integrating breath as medicine, explore the chakra energy system, learn to diagnose and release blockages
  • Elemental Wisdom:
    – Connect with the elements and harness their healing wisdom, create sacred spaces, and invite allies for profound healing
  • Authentic Ceremony Creation:
    – Learn to craft rituals using sacred smokes, essential oils, herbs, and cacao – resonating with your essence
  • Music Mastery:
    – Discover the art of selecting music for different ceremonies, gain access to curated playlists for each chakra
  • Herbal Alchemy:
    – Unveil the magic of herbal medicine making, craft your own elixirs and embrace the healing potential of plants
  • Voice Activation:
    – Amplify your confidence in sharing your authentic voice through exercises
  • Empowerment and Integration:
    – Step into your power and recognize your worth – learn how to charge for your transformative work

Discover the Magic of Breathwork

Imagine a medicine inside your own body that can relieve stress, increase energy, heal trauma, and bring back lost pieces of your spirit-just by changing the way you breathe. Studies show long-term benefits for stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, sleep, and overall well-being. Ceremonial Breathwork is your path to healing and wholeness—a chance to take charge of your own well-being and embark on a journey of growth and balance.

What are the Chakras?

Picture seven vibrant energy centers within you, like powerful spinning wheels influencing your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being – these are your chakras. Yet, many experience imbalances, leading to confusion, low energy, and even depression. Now, envision awakening these chakras through special techniques like activation sounds, breathing methods, and specific movements. By doing so, you direct energy positively, fostering more positivity, peace, clarity, high energy, joy, balance, passion, and zest for life.

About your facilitator

Nina Medicina
With years of experience, Nina passionately shares sacred herbs, plants, and transformational breathwork. She has studied  at The Gaia School of Healing and The School of The Sacred Wild. Currently, she’s enrolled in an 18-month herbal medicine program with Dr. Aviva Romm. Nina holds certifications as a holistic health coach, 200 YTT AMBA women’s embodiment teacher, breathwork teacher (trained by David Elliott), and sound ceremonialist (from Sound Ceremony Academy). Her profound experiences with plant medicine, permaculture, and healers worldwide reaffirm her belief in nature as the ultimate medicine.

What past students have to say

Nina, thank you for your space holding, your knowledge and deep wisdom. Its been profound and so transformative. I feel empowered to water my seeds and allow myself to walk my path, so grateful. – Emma

Det är en magisk känsla att få ta del av andra kvinnors erfarenheter, visdom och kärlek. Känslan av gemenskap som uppstår är svår att beskriva. Jag känner mig sedd, upplyft, stärkt och ser fram emot att fortsätta i samma anda. Nina har en sällsynt förmåga att skapa en trygg miljö och jag är hedrad att få ta del av hennes kunskap. – Annie


What is included?

  • Workshops/ceremonies
  • Meals/elixirs/smoothies
  • Accomodation

Enjoy luxury accommodations with a plunge pool and panoramic volcano views.

Savor three daily gourmet meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients, nourishing for both body and soul.

Tzununa, The Seed Habitat Lake Atitlan, Tzununa, Guatemala

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact us at:

Cancellation policy
If you cancel your spot we will keep a cancellation and admin fee of 1000 sek. If you cancel less than 21 days before the start of the retreat you will get 50% refund. If you cancel less than 7 days before we start the retreat you will not get a refund unless you are sick and can prove that with a doctors letter (not valid from an online dr). If you need to cancel last minute due to unpredicted reasons like illness of you or your children you can move your investment to a future retreat.

Invest in your health and give yourself an experience that will serve you well throughput life.
Partial payment via Klarna is possible for those who wish!


Upptäck Magin med Ceremoniell Breathwork i Guatemala

Välkommen till en transformerande resa genom elementen i en av världens mest älskade destinationer. Nina Medicina bjuder in dig till en extraordinär träning och retreat som kombinerar kraften i andning, ceremonier, ritualer och växtmagi, vid den förtrollande sjön Atitlan i Guatemala – en plats som är en av Ninas personliga favoriter i världen.

Höjdpunkter på din transformerande resa

  • Breathwork:
    – Utforska nivå 1 och 2 av Ceremoniell Breathwork-träning: Konsten att läka, främja välbefinnande och guida andra
  • Dagliga Ceremonier med Inspirerande Lärare:
    – Delta i dagliga ceremonier ledda av arrangören och respekterade mentorer: Cacao- och eldceremonier, växtritualer och Temazcal-tradition
  • Exklusivt Boende på Seed Habitat:
    – Njut av lyxigt boende med en nedsänkbar pool och panoramautsikt över majestätiska vulkaner
  • Kulinariska Delikatesser:
    – Smaka på tre dagliga gourmetmåltider, omsorgsfullt tillredda med lokala råvaror. När ditt inre näringsbehov möter själens näring
  • Rörelse, Dans och Helande Praktiker:
    – Omfamna rytmen av daglig rörelse, extatisk dans och trauma-helande andningspass
  • Herbal Wisdom och Skapande av Medicin:
    – Upptäck hemligheterna bakom örtläkning genom upplysande föreläsningar. Delta i praktiska klasser om att skapa din egen medicin
  • Dagsutflykt till den Förtrollande Kakaoskogen:
    – Ge dig ut på en resa till Nina Medicinas älskade kakaoskog, en plats som vibrerar av jordens magi
  • Ljudhälsa och Heliga Sångcirklar:
    – Fördjupa dig i ljudhälsa, förtrollande sångcirklar, röstaktiveringar och själroande Kirtan-sessioner

Ceremoniell Breathwork-träning Nivå 1 och 2 – Andas, Läk, Förvandla

Denna utbildning är en ingång till att bemästra andningsarbete som terapeutisk praxis. Oavsett om du är nybörjare eller en erfaren utövare erbjuder denna läroplan:

  • Djupare Förståelse:
    – Dyk in i vetenskapen bakom andningsarbete, få insikter om det nervösa systemet och lär dig om energicentra (chakras) och tekniker för att balansera dem.
  • Andningstekniker:
    – Utforska enkelheten i den 3-delade andningstekniken. Lär dig lugnande mönster som förhöjer ceremonier och upptäck andningsarbetets potential för läkning, avslappning och empowerment.
  • Integrativt Lärande:
    – För läkare, förbättra ditt utbud genom att integrera andning som medicin. Utforska det chakraenergisystemet och lär dig att diagnostisera och frigöra blockeringar.
  • Elemental Vishet:
    – Anslut till elementen och använd deras helande vishet. Skapa heliga utrymmen och bjud in allierade för djup healing.
  • Autentisk Skapande av Ceremonier:
    – Lär dig att skapa ritualer med hjälp av heliga rökelser, eteriska oljor, örter och kakao. Utveckla en unik ceremoni som resoneras med din essens.
  • Bemästring av musik:
    – Upptäck konsten att välja musik för olika ceremonier och få tillgång till kuraterade spellistor för varje chakra.
  • Ört-alchymi:
    – Avslöja magin av örtmedicintillverkning. Skapa dina egna elixir och omfamna växternas helande potential.
  • Röstaktivering:
    – Förstärk ditt självförtroende när du delar din autentiska röst genom olika övningar.
  • Ermaktande och Integration:
    – Steg in i din kraft, erkänn ditt värde och lär dig att ta betalt för ditt transformerande arbete.

Upptäck Magin av Andning

Föreställ dig en medicin inuti din egen kropp som kan lindra stress, öka energi, läka trauma och återföra förlorade delar av din själ – bara genom att ändra sättet du andas på. Studier visar långsiktiga fördelar för stress, ångest, depression, högt blodtryck, sömn och övergripande välbefinnande. Ceremoniell Andning är din väg till läkning och helhet – en chans att ta kontroll över ditt eget välbefinnande och ge dig ut på en resa av tillväxt och balans.

Vad är Chakras?

Föreställ dig sju livfulla energicentra inom dig, som kraftfulla snurrande hjul som påverkar din fysiska, emotionella, mentala och andliga välbefinnande – detta är dina chakran. Många upplever obalanser, vilket leder till förvirring, låg energi och till och med depression. Nu, föreställ dig att väcka dessa chakran genom speciella tekniker som aktiveringsljud, andningsmetoder och specifika rörelser. Genom att göra detta riktar du energi positivt, främjar mer positivitet, fred, klarhet, hög energi, glädje, balans, passion och livsglädje.

Om din facilitator

Nina Medicina
Med års erfarenhet delar Nina passionerat heliga örter, växter och transformationsandning. Hon har studerat vid The Gaia School of Healing och The School of The Sacred Wild. För närvarande är hon inskriven i ett 18-månaders herbalistprogram med Dr. Aviva Romm. Nina har certifieringar som holistisk hälsocoach, 200 YTT AMBA kvinnlig embodiment-lärare, andningslärare (utbildad av David Elliott) och ljudceremonialist (från Sound Ceremony Academy). Hennes djupa erfarenheter med växtmedicin, permakultur och healers över hela världen bekräftar hennes tro på naturen som den ultimata medicinen.

Ord från tidigare deltagare

“Nina, tack för ditt space holding, din kunskap och djupa visdom. Det har varit djupgående och så transformerande. Jag känner mig rustad att vattna mina frön och tillåta mig själv att gå min väg, så tacksam.” – Emma

“Det är en magisk känsla att få ta del av andra kvinnors erfarenheter, visdom och kärlek. Känslan av gemenskap som uppstår är svår att beskriva. Jag känner mig sedd, upplyft, stärkt och ser fram emot att fortsätta i samma anda. Nina har en sällsynt förmåga att skapa en trygg miljö och jag är hedrad att få ta del av hennes kunskap.” – Annie


Vad ingår?

  • Workshops/ceremonier
  • Måltider/elixir/smoothies
  • Boende

Njut av lyxigt boende med en nedsänkbar pool och panoramautsikt över vulkaner.

Du bjuds på tre dagliga gourmetmåltider, omsorgsfullt tillredda med lokala råvaror, närande för både kropp och själ.

Tzununa, The Seed Habitat Lake Atitlan, Tzununa, Guatemala

Om du har några specifika frågor eller funderingar, kontakta oss på: info@retreatsverige.se

Om du avbokar behåller vi en avboknings- och administrationsavgift på 1000 sek. Om du avbokar mindre än 21 dagar innan reträtten startar får du 50% återbetalning. Om du avbokar mindre än 7 dagar innan reträtten startar får du ingen återbetalning om du inte är sjuk och kan bevisa det med ett läkarintyg (inte giltigt från en online-läkare). Om du behöver avboka i sista minuten på grund av oförutsedda skäl som sjukdom hos dig eller dina barn kan du flytta din investering till en framtida reträtt.

Investera i din hälsa och ge dig själv en upplevelse som kommer att tjäna dig väl genom hela livet. Delbetalning via Klarna är möjlig för de som önskar det!

Retreat utgången

Event FAQs

About the location and how to get here..

Tzununá, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. ‘The land of eternal spring’: beautiful, temperate weather, a spectacular setting, rich indigenous culture and a readymade conscious community. 

Across Tzununá and San Marcos, an engaged, conscious community has striven for years to perfect an alternative lifestyle, developing educational and wellness offerings for adults and children. To us, this is what stands out about The Seed – that, and the incredible natural beauty that surrounds us, deemed ‘the most beautiful lake in the world’ by Aldous Huxley.


You will find The Seed in Tzununá, a traditional Kaqchiquel village and alternative community with yoga, kirtans, a permaculture school and a smattering of health-food restaurants on the shores of landmark Lake Atitlan. Their neighbouring village, San Marcos, is renowned for its alternative community and spiritual classes, courses and events, plus an abundance of healers and practitioners, from massage to acupuncture, an esteemed Waldorf school and a second pioneering educational project. Around the lake, you’ll also find activities such kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding and swimming, and an ease of access through boat travel, tuk-tuks and hiking trails.

I won't be able to be there the whole retreat, can I come anyways?

Of course! Just let us know at: info@ninamedicina.com

If I don't feel comfortable in taking part in something; do I still have to join?

We might in some moments challenge ourselves to sing and lead for the benefit of the practice, although you are as free as the birds fly!

I'm pregnant; can I still join?

Absolutely, please let us know as soon as possible!

Do I need to have any prior knowledge?

Comes as you are, Welcome!

What are the benefits of practicing transformational breathwork?

The benefits of practicing transformational breathwork are truly abundant. Just to scratch the surface, it's a powerful stress and anxiety reducer that guides your body into a state of deep relaxation. It's like a mental magnifying glass, increasing self-awareness and expanding your consciousness. Your mental clarity gets a boost and your emotional well-being blossoms. It's like a release valve for trauma and built-up energy, offering a refreshing sense of balance in your mind, body, and spirit.

Deep diaphragmatic breathing breathes life into your body, increasing oxygenation, helps with detoxification, and improving respiratory function. Tensions are released, circulation improves, and your immune system gets a boost. But this is just the icing on the cake! Transformational Breathwork is my go-to for releasing limiting beliefs and thought patterns that doesn't serve me anymore. It's like a mental spring cleaning that creates space for personal growth, empowerment, and transformational change. I have my daily breathwork practice to thank for who and where I am today - it has paved the way for my journey so far.

How does transformational breathwork affect the mind and body?

When you dive into transformational breathwork, get ready for a double dose of goodness. First, it's like a VIP ticket to deep relaxation. It's your body's way of hitting the reset button and activating those natural healing vibrations. And here's the trick - it's like giving your cells an oxygen boost, waking them up from the inside out.

Have you ever heard of the parasympathetic nervous system? Well, think of it as your inner chill guru. Transformational Breathwork gives it a friendly nudge, inviting a sense of calm that's like a warm hug for your mind. Mental clarity? Oh, yes, please. This practice flips the switch on that, helping you see things with a sharper focus. Now let's talk about the physical tension we tend to carry around. Transformational Breathwork is like a soothing balm. It loosens those knots of tension, releasing them as you breathe. And guess what? It's not just the body - emotional baggage gets a ticket out, too. So if you're ready to let go and feel lighter, this practice has your back, works for me every single time!

Can transformational breathwork help with stress and anxiety?

Absolutely, YES! Let me share this with you: Transformational Breathwork has become a dear friend on my journey to reduce stress and anxiety. It's all about the power of intentional, deep breathing-it's like lighting a serene candle within. And the beauty? That calm doesn't just stay in your breath; it spreads throughout your entire being. Your nervous system gets the memo, and a calm invitation takes hold. Tensions? They begin to dissolve. Emotions? They find harmony. And the best part? After each session, I'm wrapped in a comforting cocoon of peace. It's like finding silence after a cleansing rain. I just love this practice SO much!

What are the possible risks or effects of Transformational Breathwork?

In general, Transformational Breathwork is safe. However, it's important to begin with a skilled and experienced facilitator who can skillfully guide the process - like myself. Some people may experience physical sensations, emotional releases, or a slight feeling of lightheadedness during the practice. Respecting your body's signals is key, and don't hesitate to share any concerns with your facilitator. Remember, you're the captain of the ship. You decide how deep you want to sail. You're your own guide, and you hold the reins of depth and speed. If things ever feel a little overwhelming, slowing your breathing or returning to gentle nasal breathing is your retreat to calm.

Are there any scientific studies that support the effectiveness of Transformational Breathwork?

To this date, scientific research specifically focused on this breathwork technique is relatively limited. However, my belief in the power of personal experience and heartfelt testimonials is my science - they truly highlight the remarkable benefits of Transformational Breathwork. While research is still in its early stages, there's a growing body of evidence exploring the physiological and psychological effects of conscious breathing. This growing body of knowledge underscores the power of breathwork as a holistic path to wellness and healing- Just try it for yourself is my recommendation.

Can Transformational Breathwork help with physical problems or chronic pain?

Absolutely, YES! Transformational Breathwork can be a true ally in promoting physical wellness. It's like a gentle massage for your body's energy, releasing tension and improving oxygen flow. What's really fascinating is how it awakens your body's natural self-healing abilities. Believe me, whenever I'm dealing with pain or discomfort, Breathwork is my first choice - and it always works wonders.

Arrival info

Arriving to The Seed: I advise arriving in Guatemala at least 1 day prior to the start of the event.  It takes 4-5 hours to get to The Seed from the airport. Once you have your flights booked I can support you in making an effortless and safe travel flow.  You can either stay 1 night in Antigua (1 hour from the airport and 3 hours to The Seed) or go straight to Lake Atitlan.

Be aware that you may be required to show proof of vaccination if your flight takes you through the US, even if it is just a transit flight. Please call your airline and get all the details directly. To enter Guatemala you do not need proof of vaccination or a negative covid-test.

Departure info

Departure info

I advise to stay at least one more day after the training to integrate and not have to rush out but of course completely optional. 

We will help arrange your transport to the airport in a safe matter.

  • The Seed Habitat
  • Oretorpsvägen 333
  • Tzununa
  • Guatemala


  • 1 april, 2024 15:00   -   8 april, 2024 12:00
Dela retreat
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