7 Day Couples – Find your unique path Retreat (Available all year)


16 november, 2024




Anneberg Retreat Center

What stands in the way of creating your dream life together? *Svensk summering längst ned.

Close couples have dreams together, they have plenty of plans in the beginning of their relationship. But do you really feel free to take the steps and make the choices necessary to manifest your dream life?

Your path

Many couples find themselves facing challenges, despite their deep love and desire to build a future together. It’s not a lack of affection that’s the issue, but rather a feeling of something missing, whether it’s their careers, living situation or social circle. In each person’s journey, there lies a distinct path, and in close relationships, those paths intertwine. Yet, perhaps you find yourselves at a pivotal juncture, unsure which direction to turn. What is the right path for you both, and what obstacles stand in the way?

Together with your coaches, you’ll delve into the core of your relationship. You’ll uncover the barriers preventing you from embracing a more liberated life. This process will empower you to walk your unique path as a couple, infused with newfound vitality and purpose.

*The retreat dates are chosen by you in consultation with us: info@retreatsverige.se
In the confirmation email you will get contact info to your host and you can decide upon dates there together as well, (independently on what the date says on this retreat).

What is special about this retreat and what to gain

In a tranquil environment,your fascilitators offer a fresh perspective to illuminate solutions already present but not immediately apparent. This clarity unleashes newfound energy, propelling you forward on your distinct path, with visible transformation within the week.

  • Gain clarity on what may be missing in your life
  • Balance your life together
  • Learn to connect with your inner core
  • Reclaim your personal empowerment
  • Say farewell to the cycle of relentless work and living under stress
  • Cultivate a deep sense of self-trust
  • Attain genuine insight into your desired path forward


Your coaches prefer a flexible program, improvising to suit each situation having a wealth of prepared materials and exercises. They incorporate nature, making use of hiking trails and natural spots. Sessions take place in their woodland garden or the cozy retreat center if the weather is bad. They mainly coach in pairs, occasionally offering one-on-one sessions to address individual desires within the shared journey.

Your coaches

Geraldine Maatman and Eduard Maatman
Geraldine is a life coach, energetic worker and teaches yoga. Eduard is both a business- and men’s coach. What is unique is that they do not function as relationship therapists, but rather help couples who are happy together but are not experiencing the life circumstances they envision together. They acknowledge that close couples often begin their journey with dreams and plans, but may face challenges in truly feeling free to pursue their ideal life.

Having personally undergone a transformation, they transitioned from a prosperous life to coaching individuals. Spontaneously, they relocated from the Netherlands to Sweden to establish a retreat center in nature, guided by a series of meaningful synchronicities.

Drawing from their own journey, Geraldine and Eduard are dedicated to helping couples discover the unique path that awaits them. Together, they will uncover any barriers holding the two of you back.

Words of past visitors

Dear Eduard and Geraldine,What you have created here, nestled in the woods, is truly magical and enchanting. The caravan provided the perfect sanctuary, giving us the time and space we need to forge a new path for our future. The woods with their symphony of birdsongs, offered us some of the most peaceful and rejuvenating days we’ve ever experienced.Of course, none of this would have had such a profound impact without your guidance and healing. Your sessions helped us navigate our relationship and careers decisions with clarity and compassion. We are deeply grateful for your support and wisdom.Thank you both, from the bottom of our hearts. Your sanctuary in the woods will always hold a special place in our memories as a starting point for this new chapter in our lives! Joy! -Reshma


This is included

  • 5 days coaching of approximately 3 hours per day
  • 6 nights accommodation
  • A 2-hour evaluation session one month after returning home
  • 3 Daily delicious en nutritious meal ingredients, you cook yourself
  • A week of full personal attention and coaching
  • Hiking coaching in beautiful nature, on special hiking trails
  • Time for yourself, good reading, self-reflection or just doing nothing at all
  • Possibility to get away from all your daily worries and distraction
  • Enlightening exercises and assignments
  • Tips for preparing healthy meals
  • Organic coffee and tea throughout the day
  • Use of towels and bed linen
  • Notebook to write down all your experiences

You stay in a cozy and comfortable room, alone or with your partner. You might share the large common room, kitchen and bathroom/toilet with one other guests. The kitchen is equipped with an oven, stove, fridge/freezer and dishwasher. The large and charming room has double doors to a wooden terrace where you can enjoy the morning sun.

Our cozy small-scale “Anneberg Retreat Center” is beautifully situated in the magical nature of southern Sweden. On our more than 5 acres you can relax in our forest garden. Surrounded by the characteristic Swedish forests and lakes you can take various walks directly from our center.

We buy organic as much as possible and if the harvest allows, we will eat fruits and vegetables from our own vegetable garden.

If you come by plane, it’s best to fly to Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (CPH) and then continue by train to Lessebo. We will then pick you up from Lessebo.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact us at:

This retreat will be held in English.

If you encounter obstacles
In case of illness or any other sudden event, an alternative spot at another retreat is offered. Please notify us as soon as possible!

Invest in your health and give yourself an experience that will serve you well throughout life.
Partial payment via Klarna is possible for those who wish!

*Svensk summering

Detta retreat handlar om att ta itu med de hinder som kan stå i vägen för att förverkliga er drömliv tillsammans. Trots djup kärlek och önskan att bygga en framtid tillsammans, kan par finna sig stå inför utmaningar som hindrar dem från att uppnå sina mål. Under retreathelgen kommer ni att arbeta med era coacher för att identifiera och övervinna dessa hinder och få klarhet kring vad som kan saknas i era liv, hitta balans tillsammans, och anamma er inre kärna för att återkräva er personliga makt. Retreatet erbjuder även tid för självreflektion, promenader i naturen och näringsrik mat för att ge er en helhetsupplevelse.

Boka nu

Biljettyp Biljettantal Biljettpris
1 couple

Retreat incl. groceries & accomodation

1 Kvar
34,750.00 kr
Antal Totalt

Event FAQs

Do we request our own dates?

Yes that is correct! Write to us at info@retreatsverige.se and request your dates and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

How do I get there?

Coming by car? Put in Anneberg retreat center to you gps.

If you come by plane, it's best to fly to Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (CPH) and then continue by train to Lessebo. We will then pick you up from Lessebo.

Coming from Stockholm you can go by train via Växjö and then grab a bus towards Lassebo station where we can pick you up. Or you get off at the station Linneskruv and enjoy a 20 minute walk to the center.

If I don't feel comfortable in taking part in something; do I still have to join?

We might find ourselves in one or two challenging situations that make us grow and learn! Although, you are as free as the birds fly!

I have a disease of some sort, can I take part?

Of course you can! Please reach out to info@retreatsverige.se


I have a food allergy - will that work?

Please let us know when booking and we will buy the groceries for you.

  • Anneberg Retreat Center
  • Hässle Anneberg
  • Lessebo
  • 365 91
  • Sweden


  • 16 november, 2024 16:00   -   21 november, 2024 16:00
Dela retreat
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